Monday, October 10, 2011

Google is a great way to relive memories.

So, I just "googled" myself.. just to see what would come up. It's mainly a bunch of really awful times from races I've participated in. Then I get to page three or so, and find a quote from a ten year old me... "It gives us something to do when we're sick of watching TV," said Jackie, 10, of Orland Park, as she sketched a bright green Christmas tree with the computer's mouse. "I like the art programs the best." - yep. this quote is on the internet. It is how I described this sweet computer thing that was rolled into my room while I was a patient for one of my reconstructive surgeries. I forgot that I was even interviewed about the computer thing, until I just read the article. I don't remember what the surgery was for specifically, but that's alright. I am pretty sure that they even played it on the news. LOL, I found another one. This is a quote that the associated press got out of me... one that i wish never happened. This article was about the opening of the new children's hospital in chicago... years ago. "It's just got so much stuff that they didn't have at the old place," she said. "I really love it."- Let me tell you, the new hospital is legit. Sadly, I only spent a day or two there after a surgery. They have 42-in flat screen tv's and mini-fridges in each patient room. Good stuff. Now I'm at a different hospital. It's an alright place. haha. I'm not sure what else to say about these quotes, but I do know that I don't want these to be the last ones. Someday, I'll say something profound and worth repeating. 


Alright, so here is a memory of mine that ties closely into the fact that I had cancer. In 1996, the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted me a wish. This is what I remember.... haha. Two people came to my house and said that I could have whatever I wanted, to an extent. My parents also had to agree with my wish. Of course, my first wishes were pretty sweet, but my dad said, "no way," to all of them. I asked for a 4-wheeler, a trampoline and a pool. I don't remember anything else really. The two people that came to my house were the "wish granters" and they tried to help me pick something really awesome. So it ended up being a week-long trip to Disney World in Florida. I remember being so excited for this trip.. and from what I remember, it was amazing. A limo picked my family up from our house in the suburbs, and brought us to the airport. I got a special button that said Make-A-Wish on it. The week at Disney was a blast. We got to live in this house thing in the make-a-wish village and we were given a rental car for the week. The fridge was filled with hawaiian punch juice boxes and lunchables. That part still baffles me...because the ENTIRE fridge was filled with it! One night, the mayor of the make-a-wish village gave us a visit. This sounds somewhat normal, but the mayor was a person in a giant rabbit suit. I wish I could put some of the video up here..but I am not sure  how to get it from a vhs to the interwebs. The rabbit-mayor walked around our house and played with our toys. and then he found my mom's hairdryer in the bathroom.. It was the funniest thing in the world. (especially for a five year old)
I am very grateful for the opportunity to spend the entire week at Disney World. I didn't know that I was in a place where it was very probable that my life was almost over. Everything was great as I grew up... I dont remember being so sick that I might die. I just remember good things mostly. It's strange to look back on. Now whenever I go somewhere that has a Make-A-Wish Foundation fundraiser thing, I donate money.. even if it's just a dollar. I know how much happiness they brought me, and I'm glad that they are still up and running, helping other kids achieve their dreams.